
Friday, July 30, 2010

Mice Act II

Okay, so the mouse needs to be dead, like yesterday.  Greg bought a couple of those snap traps because we both think the sticky traps are really awful.  Greg read the directions on the packaging, loaded the trap and then set it.

We waited...

And waited...

The next morning, we climbed up on the chair expectantly and saw....that the mouse had enjoyed the free buffet of peanut butter we had so graciously set out for him. 

So, we tested the trap using some old tongs.  It worked, sort of.  It was kind of hard to trigger, but this time I used some cheese and I was sure to wedge it on there good so Mousey would have to work a little harder for his next (maybe his last?) meal.

We waited....

And waited...

Well, the mouse liked the Parmesan cheese just as much as he liked the peanut butter.  How about cracker?  At this point I was suspicious that the trap may not have been set properly, so I load it up and set it, and it catches my thumb.  Ouch.  I extract my thumb and set it again, and again, my thumb is caught.  Ouch again...a little louder.  One more time...ouch and a couple of expletives under my breath (5 year olds repeat everything).  Okay...finally it is loaded and set.

We waited....

And waited...

Mousey thinks that cheese on toasty wheat tastes great, and he hopes that we continue the variety of foods.  Apparently these traps only catch thumbs.

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