
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some Kiley Quotes and Other News

The great thing is that when Kiley grows out of the "funny quote phase,"  Marianna will have just the fun will continue. 

"Daddy, the sun is too close to us here.  I wish we were back in Norton!"  said Snack after the tiny amount of snow we were blessed with disappeared in a day.  She is also mad because we don't have anywhere to go sledding....oh the things that 5 year olds fret about.

"When I sit in the same spot for a long period of time, the house gets really quiet and I don't know where anyone is."  This one was texted to me via Greg....ah a quiet house.  What is that?  Where does she live?  I think she can block out sound.

"As a matter of fact, how do people get off a Ferris wheel?"  I have no context for that out -of-the- blue Snack quote.


Wal-Mart was the place to be today in Farm-Vegas.  Apparently everyone here is bracing for a blizzard to beat all records.  I just wanted stocking stuffers for Greg and Kiley and some milk (Mari Mari Quite Contrary drinks lots of bobbies and Mommy Mommy Nothing Rhymes With That has discovered that she can make a homemade latte in her microwave so we go through more milk than we used to...keep up the good work, cows!).

If there are no posts for a while, like a couple of weeks, don't worry.  I'm sure you all are used to the lack of posts...but if The Blizzard of 2010 hits, I won't be at work, and since we don't have Internet at home, I'll be disconnected from the world until returning to work next year.  Although...we won't be completely off the map, we are going to have TV again as of December 27.  Merry Christmas Greg! 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to be late with this comment...hope you can read it before next week. Sounds like Snackadoodle is having some major issues, but the North Pole down here will still have plenty of snow when you are here. Mom and Dad still have all the snow from the first storm, the second storm, and we might get some more snow on Sunday. We are getting all the snow, bestowing the name selfish upon ourselves. Love you all. See you soon.
